Over the years, male patients are gaining significant interest in minimally invasive, non-surgical cosmetic procedures, especially botulinum toxin treatments ( Botox).

Why are men seeking Botox treatments to smooth their wrinkles?

Male patients are majorly aged between 35-60. Some want to boost their career, staying competitive on the market with the new generation coming up. Others are at a turning point in their life after a divorce and want to boost their confidence and improve their dating prospect or simply have the desire to maintain their appearance without going through surgical interventions.

They are also very busy with very little time, interested in quick and easy procedures that do not require anesthesia and with almost no downtime. Botox is ideal to fulfill this kind of expectation.

Treatment goals are different when treating male patients compared to female patients. It is essential to have this in mind when planning a botox treatment.

Certain facial features are characteristics of male attractiveness. It is crucial when considering  Botulinum Toxin to enhance those features without resulting in feminisation.

Characteristics of a masculine appearance are usually the presence of bulkier mid-face features and a squarer jawline.

Desirable features for some category of men are associated with a strong chin and even an over-projected lower lip. It is in contrast to women, where higher cheekbones and a chin slightly less prominent than the lower lip is more desirable.

Some other categories of men present a more prominent forehead and supraorbital ridges. It gives the male eye a more in-depth look compared to females.

Those features give more character to a male face, and it is vital to maintain it while injecting Botulinum Toxin A without feminisation. When treating one area, it is essential as well to make sure not to upset the overall harmony of the face.

Where to inject Botox?

The FDA has approved Botulinum toxin to treat the frown or glabellar lines, crow feet lines, and forehead. Botulinum Toxin A is also used off label for other dynamic lines and the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis.

In an ideal male face, the eyebrow is horizontal, and eyes are usually narrower and less open than females. When injecting botox, it is essential to maintain that feature and prevent excessive eyelid heaviness. It is also essential not to uplift the eyebrow too much and not create a high arching of the lateral brow, which will feminise the look.

A large eye arch combined with some upper lid skin excess is also a common feature in the male face. This latter feature incurs an excessive contraction of the muscle from the forehead ( frontalis)  as a compensation mechanism to keep eyes open. It induces the development of wrinkles on the forehead much earlier in men than in women. Injecting Botox needs to be done carefully to avoid any undesirable side effects and brow ptosis. Often a combination of Botox and Filler injection or thread lift gives the best result.

Muscles from the frown, glabellar lines need a higher dosage of botox compared to a woman to make sure it is efficient and to relax the area. At the same time, I aim to relax the static lines without freezing the treated area completely. Injecting the correct dosage is a challenge, and when I treat for the first time a male patient, I like to see him for a check-up 2-3 weeks later to see if any adjustment or more injection is required.

The crow’s feet wrinkles should also be treated without overcorrection to avoid the risk of feminisation in the male eye area by excessive opening and flatness.

Treatment of the neckbands is increasingly popular, even with male patients. It improves the lower part of the face yet will need a higher dose of injection compared to women.

Reduction of the bilateral masseter ( muscle in the angle of the jaw) with Botox injection is not as requested from male patients as it is a more of a popular request from women who desire a slimmer face. However, a square jawline is a highly desirable feature and therefore is more requested by men.

The reduction of the bilateral masseter from a man’s perspective is more from a functional point of view for patients suffering from bruxism.

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), affects 3% of men, creating embarrassment and significant psychological distress with loss of confidence. Treatment is quickly performed and gives a nice result with a long-lasting of 6 months. Done regularly allows patients to get back to a normal life.

Want to find out what will suit you the best and which Botox injection is required to refresh your look? Why don’t you use your lunch break to find out!

I will guide you to ensure you will get the best outcome and most natural look. Call the practice, and my assistants will be more than happy to help you to book an appointment with me.

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